West Georgia’s Home for Medieval History

The Shire of Depedale is the Douglasville, GA chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), the world’s largest medieval and Renaissance history society. We hold local meetings, demos, and practices throughout Douglas, Carroll, and Paulding County, as well as participating in larger events throughout the southeastern USA, and occasionally beyond.

What is the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)?

The SCA is a non-profit educational organization that creates opportunities to learn about history through active participation.  We learn about pre-17th century life through re-creation of the skills, arts, combat, and culture of that time period. Our activities include armored combat, archery and thrown weapons, rapier, sewing, blacksmithing, historical food, calligraphy, horseback riding, herbalism, dancing, woodworking, music, and more. If it was done prior to 1600 CE, we probably have someone who has researched and experimented with it.