Seneschal: ✉ THL David Duckworth
The Seneschal is the Chapter President for the shire, directing its activities and representing it to the Kingdom.
Herald: ✉ THL David Duckworth
The Herald assists the populace in selecting names and devices (coats-of-arms) and provides heraldic services to the shire’s events.
Exchequer: ✉ Ansgar Stürmære
The Exchequer is the Chapter Treasurer and manages the shire finances.
Knight Marshal: ✉ Sir Emhin MacTir
The Knight Marshal officiates combat activities for the shire.
Rapier Marshal: ✉ Majster Nikoslav Mikolaevich
The Rapier Marshal officiates rapier activities for the shire.
Arts and Sciences: ✉ Lady Mary Lattimore
The Arts and Sciences officer provides opportunities to educate the populace on a variety of topics from the Middle Ages.
Webminister / Social Media: ✉ Lady Genovefa de Hareflot
The Webminister coordinates and maintains the web presences for the shire.
Chatelaine: ✉ Baroness Juliana of Empingham
The Chatelaine is the newcomer’s officer for the shire. Talk with any member of our shire, we believe, “Everyone is a Chatelaine!”